Our Relationship with Food

Our relationships with food can change over time. Sometimes food can be viewed as a positive - fueling the body and providing power and strength to perform do amazing things! While at other times it can be viewed in a negative light, as shameful or as punishment. When food is used as punishment or dangerous habits become more apparent in our normal routine including over-restricting, binge/purge cycles, hiding food or hiding skipped meals and other habits that serve unhealthy relationships with food.

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Heather Gerrish
Lean, Mean Protein!

Sometimes it’s hard to change things up or experiment with a new flavor combo. Protein is no exception. If you feel like your go-to protein staple is getting old, or you need some new ideas to stay tuned - there is more than just grilled chicken out there to help round out a delicious meal!

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Heather Gerrish
Gut Health Explained

What is happening behind the scenes (or in our intestines to be more exact) when we eat? There are SO many processes that occur - from digestion to absorption, to transfer and excretion, how do our bodies do it..and do it well?

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Danielle Gray
How to Make Healthy Choices While Eating Out

So how do you stick to the plan - but also eat out? This will look different for everyone and is directly associated with what and how often you eat out - if that’s fast food or sweet treats, these modifications might seem more drastic than the occasional Friday night date of dinner and movie. Everything can be modified and included in a healthy diet, but being aware and making an effort to swap out old habits for some alternatives can help to keep you on track and moving towards your goals!

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Danielle Gray
What Is Carb Counting?

Carb counting has been around for ages - for diet culture and medical nutrition therapy alike - but what does it really mean? And more importantly, why do it? Counting macros and monitoring micronutrients is important, but also living with some flexibility after establishing this baseline is essential for long term adherence to any program and to ensure that it works for both your lifestyle and your life! Balance is key and knowing all you can about what you are putting in your body - and how much - is essential in finding this balance and what works best for you!

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Danielle Gray
Breakfast or Snack Egg Bites!

When you’re on the go, but want a high protein, easy to eat breakfast out the door or snack midday, opt for these egg bites! Easy to make, try them out!

Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cook Time: 25 minutes | Total Time: 35 minutes

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Danielle Gray
How To Hit Your Macros

With every new routine, trial and error are an integral part in finding what works best. Sometimes, finding out what doesn’t work is just as useful and valuable as finding out what does. Continuing from the brief introduction of Macronutrients and Micronutrients shared in a prior blog, this overview will further dive in to this area of nutrition in the real application of how to hit your macros!

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Danielle Gray
Healthy Snack Options On The Go

We all can find ourselves out and about and suddenly - we’ve missed lunch or are running low on energy. What’s the first thing we grab? Whatever is most convenient! (Well, maybe this is the most reasonable option, but we want to change the most convenient to the healthiest choice!).

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Danielle Gray